Who Can Write for Us?

Articles written must be authored by an individual rather than a company. Before submitting your first article, please also submit a headshot photo and bio summary to be included at the bottom of the article. You may include a link to your organisation in this section. Please see the example below for guidance. 

Articles should be of interest to the B2B SaaS Solutions Consulting community and should be written to help other Solutions Consulting professionals succeed. While we encourage drawing from your own experiences in Solutions Consulting to support your ideas, overt promotion of yourself or your product/company will prevent us from publishing your article.

Please help us promote your article once it goes live by posting on LinkedIn or other social media. 

close up photography of woman sitting beside table while using macbook
Photo by Andrew Neel on Pexels.com

Writing to Promote a Product or Service

While we encourage drawing from your own experiences in Solutions Consulting to support your ideas, overt promotion of yourself or your product/company will prevent us from publishing your article. 

Who Are You Writing For?

Our goal is to help Solutions Consulting folks do their jobs better now while preparing them for the future.

To that end, we publish a wide range of topics for every level of Solutions Consulting, from the individual contributor to leadership. 

Our readers are primarily B2B SaaS Solutions Consulting Leaders (managers, directors and VPs) as well as individual contributors. 

Current List of Desired Topics 

We’re looking for content on all Solutions Consulting topics. Below are some ideas to help you get started.

Content Quality Guidelines

1. Format & Structure Guidelines

1a. Length

Posts should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. 

1b. Making Your Article Actionable

Always end your post with 3–5 key takeaways or what to do next. The idea is to help readers apply the information you just shared with them.

1c. Making Your Article Readable

Short sentences, short paragraphs. 

Use a logical structure to present your information or tell your story. Good formats are lists, how-to steps, or a “what-why-how” presentation. Always include:

2. Working with Us – Submission Process

Here’s what you need to know about working with us:

2a. Writers submit their blog article content via email to thomas@themodernsc.com

2b. We will review your content and decide to run as is, provide feedback for improvements, or not run. 

2c. We will then send a preview of the edited / formatted post to you for approval before scheduling / publishing.

2d. The post will be scheduled to be published.

2e. Help us promote the article, so it gets lots of traction. Some ideas: 

If you have questions about writing for The Modern SC, you can email us at thomas@themodernsc.com.

The Modern SC

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